Monday, July 11, 2011

Plane ride

This past week we took our first flight with Carson. It is impossible for me to describe the anxiety I felt about this.

I've always been the guy feeling sorry for the parents of the baby who won't shut up during the flight. I can clearly remember looking at some of those parents and seeing the jealousy in their eyes. I was the traveler without a care in the world. The guy who would just grab the skymall magazine or a book I just bought in the bookstore and enjoy my 3 hour flight without a care in the world.

So in the week leading up to the flight Amanda and I started planning for all scenarios. We bought Goldfish, Teddy Grahams, Crackers, Fig Newtons, Fruit Cups, etc. Basically anything food related that he has shown the slightest interest in.

We packed 42 different books because you never know what book might be his book of the day. For instance, right now he likes a book of animals but only likes the page that has the picture of the elephant so he can make the elephant noise he recently learned.

We downloaded episodes of Barney and Sesame Street to our iPads even though Carson has never shown any interest in TV.

So what happens? Well, we get to the airport and through security without a hitch. We wait for our plane to board without incident (other than Carson grabbing and pulling down the front of Amanda's shirt so she was flashing a group of military guys) and board without any issues. We get on the plane and the second we take off Carson falls asleep. He doesn't even give us the chance to entertain him in any form.

What a letdown.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Random musings

-It is so fun to watch a baby mimic the things he sees. For the past month, Carson has entertained us by motoring over to a phone (or a remote control or anything that looks even close to a phone, holding it to his ear, and yelling "HI!!!"

-Carson is turning 1 in two weeks. Time sure flies. It seems like just yesterday that I was measuring his life in days, not years.

-I'm heading to bachelor party/guys weekend for my brother at the end of the month. I honestly can not remember the last time I got to hang out with my friends for an extended period of time. Between work, the MBA program, and a 1 year old, it has been hard to find time for "guy time." I'm really looking forward to it.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Baby Names

There is way too much pressure when it comes to choosing a name for your baby.

What happens if we name our baby and a year from now that name becomes the hip new slang for the male or female genitalia? Or what if the name all of a sudden becomes associated with a serial killer or some hollywood floozy? Can we change the name midstream?

Perhaps we can list a name on the birth certificate but also list an emergency backup name in case we're no longer satisfied with choice A in 5 years?

I've also considered writing Senator Reid about naming babies the same way hurricanes are named. Baby names will be predetermined based on order of birth. The first baby boy born in 2010 will be named Adam, the second baby boy born in 2010 will be named Bob, etc, etc. I haven't run this idea by Amanda yet but I'm sure she'll be on board.

Amanda and I both kind of know what names we're going with. But this fear of a naming blunder has me sitting back and hoping Amanda will say "This will be the name and that's final." That way when our 13 year old comes crying to be about his/her name, I can say, "Go ask your mother."

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Top 10 Movies of all time

Haven't blogged in a while and can't think of anything exciting to say so how about a quick rundown of the greatest movies in history.

10. Seven
9. The Shawshank Redemption
8. Field of Dreams
7. Love Actually (token chick flick)
6. Fight Club
5. Die Hard
4. Rocky's I - IV
3. Good Will Hunting
2. The Departed
1. Hoosiers

Saturday, June 28, 2008


The lady who cuts my hair doesn't speak. Sure she asks what I want done with my hair but once she starts cutting she doesn't participate in the traditional haircut chit chat. She never asks what I'm doing this weekend. She doesn't seem to care what movies I've seen recently. She isn't even curious about how long I've lived in Las Vegas.

I must admit that I found it a little uncomfortable the first time I went a whole haircut without conversing. However, I'm starting to get used to it. To be honest, my hair has never looked better. It's becoming painfully obvious that my appearance has suffered in the past because my hair cut ladies were too distracted by my amazing conversation skills.

I'm still trying to do some detective work about why she doesn't participate in the traditional hair cut small talk. Perhaps where she's from the hair stylist doesn't speak until spoken too. Maybe just gets in the zone while cutting hair and all background noise just fades into oblivion. Whatever the reason, I thank her and my hair thanks her.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Finally! Joel's Blog has arrived

Over the past few years I've received hundreds upon hundreds of requests to start my own blog. Some range from the simple "Joel, you're so intelligent, funny, and good looking. I'd love to get random updates on your life." Others have been more complicated and forceful, Ron from Alaska said he was not going to eat again until I started blogging. Ron passed away on day 91.

So anyways, get ready for inconsistent entries about things that I find odd and occurrences in my life.

Anyways on to today's topic: camping.

I've noticed that the incredible sense of excitement I have when I'm going camping is only topped by my even more off the charts excitement when I am leaving the camping experience. There's something about a weekend of "roughing it" that sounds extremely appealing on a Friday. Yet less than 48 hours later I break speed records in my race to get back to civilization, get showered up, and get myself reacquainted with the comforts of home.

Anyways I've included some pics from the camping trip that Amanda and I took this weekend. The trip was also a celebration of Amanda passing the board exam and last week and becoming an official Physical Therapist. Needless to say, I am very proud of her and we are very excited.

The pics are of Amanda and I camping, hiking, and leaving.